Friday, 2 January 2015

Question: Blogging...

Always nice to answer reader questions:

Hi, I started a blog months back and I can't find fresh stuff to write on, do you have certain rituals routines and is it important for a associated writing space just for you and how do you get creative or do you need to be simply popular? 

My writing space is anywhere I might salvage a few extra moments of quiet; together with WiFi that isn't slowed by other people either looking at naughty things over the hairnet, or stealing my passwords *cough* avoid Caffe Nero *cough*.  

This is occasionally the loo, or more often than not, the train (until Mrs Smelly asks me to move so her Primark Couture bag can sit on my seat, or Mr Liverpool Accent pesters me for 'eleven pence cheersthanksmate').

So my advice to you, dearest, is that there are bloggers everywhere, so good luck with that...


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