Tuesday, 9 December 2014

New Bloggers and Hate Mail

You know you're doing alright online when you get some hate mail.  Fortunately I have no ego, so the bullets missed my head completely.  

Sad Panda is Sad
By Sheila Lau (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Now. I've done this before, my previous blog became really popular and I ended it because the time was right. Starting again from nothing is appealing - I like the challenge, and it's a bit of fun not a competition.  This isn't my scrap book and I'm not selling things directly, I might say something is pretty awesome but don't have any interest if people buy it or not.

"It's not personal, Sonny, it's strictly business..."

There we have my inaugural Corleone quote, and mantra, for LLBlog.

In blogging, especially if for commercial reasons, it's tempting to give yourself an online personality (which I don't).  To play a character to try and stop things being quite so personal. Then one acquires airs and graces (we all need those if we want to be someone don't we...)  

Let me roll my eyes back into the forward position.  

How many people do I think will read this in the next few weeks? About nine, possible twelve if I'm lucky, and me a few times to check it looks pretty and possibly add a picture that makes me snigger.  

 Bloggers who write regularly, usually about themselves, work hard, and want to become something in an area where everyone wants to be The Next Big Thing.  Look at "Jenna Marbles" - one good video on YouTube and she was away, the Next Big Thing. These writers place personal content and opinions about themselves in the public domain for people to comment or not comment on.  It might be for validation, and the absence of comments will do more harm than good on occasion.

Sometimes it's the more personal posts that are the most insightful, even in a dry area such as Law.

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