Dear Learner Lawyer,
Congratulations, we are delighted to offer you a place...
A very large mug of strong coffee was poured whilst contemplating how many different colours of highlighter one can get away with before needing to pretend they are for a small child's first day at School.
The first tentative steps taken to Medical School were done armed with absolutely nothing except the required grades and work experience. One should assume the successful candidate has visited the city; been to an open day; spoken to current students or alumni; has a firm knowledge of the course ahead and able to speak at length about it.
No. None of that. There was nothing I could do about it then anyway.
The night before my Finals, I found a message scrawled into a desk where I was cramming. Of course then came the unrealistic visions - presented at graduation with all sorts of ludicrous high achiever awards (that only seem to get awarded to people you've never met yet somehow studied alongside for five years), maybe a speech from the Duchess of Cambridge... Instead I settled for a half a crisp sandwich, lukewarm coffee, and a secret promise that I would get the word "willy" into my exam paper.
This is my last ever day in JRUL!! Good bye!! Good luck!
Now Law. Why do I want to study the Law? Well, why not?! A non-conventional background background shall make this fun. Armed with a little more than nothing, perhaps a passing interest in the past three years.
The course starts in January. I suppose I'd better visit the city I shall be studying in.